All of My Published Books

Richard K. Holtzin (writing/publishing under the non de plume: RK ALLEMAN) =<<>>= EMPEROR PENGUINS: The Other Global Warming 'Canary in the Coal Mine' CONCISE SUMMARY: An Emperor Penguin rookery in Antarctica is in danger of collapsing due to melting and shifting ice below its thick foundation. Ostensibly caused by an onset of climate change, it’s the first time the penguins have experienced this recurring series of crunching noises followed by surging tremors. While they are all frightened and baffled, one penguin, Aurora, secretly embarks on a trek to the rookery’s lofty other side where he hopes to discover the source of these contingent and disturbing occurrences affecting the colony’s homeland. Little does he realize that this season’s mating partner, Corvus, and their exceptionally bright offspring, Cetus, are following. Later, when they reunite and discover the likely source of the mystery, their adventure soon becomes a rescue mission because Aurora is trapp...